Appendix: Technical guide to the workshop

A lot of software and supporting libraries are necssary on a machine to run the analysis used in the workshop. Many of these resources are useable for general analysis of modern high-throughput sequencing data.

In the hopes it will be useful for workshop participants looking to expand their knowledge and experience beyond what we could fit in today, the following sections spell out the details of setting up such a system on a Linux (Ubuntu Amazon Webs Services instance) and Mac. These were the two systems on which this workshop was developed and therefore the only ones for which I have first-hand knowledge to share. I apologize to those on Windows systems, but you may find these guides useful as general sign posts although you will have to look elsewhere for the details of installing.

Suggested Other Software

  • FastQC <– Not currently used here but good to have for initial assessment of reads. We will cover quality control throughout but not assess here ourselves.