Appendix: Setting up an Amzon EC2 instance for the workshop

This was current Spring 2015. Keep in mind things may change subsequently.

Building the Amazon EC2 instance

You’ll find how I set up these systems for the workshop below, which was adapted from information mainly here, here, and here.

Keep in mind in an effort to make things go more smoothly today, I eliminated a step that users on Windows operating system usually have to perform. If you ever find yourself connecting to an Amazon EC2 instance on Windows and need to generate a ppk file from your pem file, see here

record of software installation for NGS work on Amazon AWS

These are my notes concerning installing many of the bioinformatic software packages on a Linux AWS machines. This is basically my own counterpart to the ANGUS listing of software packages to install on Linux machines from 2013 and Technical guide to the 2014 ANGUS course. Developed during preparation of machines for May 2015 workshop.

List of installed software

Machine preparation for April-May 2015

Largely adapted from Starting up a custom operating system guide for ANGUS course and [Technical guide to the 2014 ANGUS course](

I think between 2013 and 2014, Titus moved the ANGUS course from using the Starcluster AMIs to setting up the base Ubuntu system offered on Amazon AWS, mainly relying on the apt-get package manager to facilitate this process.

Registering an instance

  • Logged into my Amazon AWS account.

  • In console, picked ‘Key Pairs’ from under Network & Security.

    • Created a new key pair so I can only use that for workshop. Called it workshop .
    • Saved the .pem file to my Downloads directory on my Mac when prompted.* Copied it to my folder for the workshop in Dropbox.
  • Followed the directions here to set up Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (PV) using the workshop key I had just made.

    • Note I tried to set up ami-7606d01e but searching it in community AMIs failed to yield anything.
    • It is important to set up the (PV) version that is way down on the list of Quick Start choices and not the (HVM) version that is near the top of the list. Otherwise you won’t have the option to select m1.xlarge.
    • I decided to go with m3.xlarge and not the ANGUS-recommneded m1.xlarge because since this will be a small dataset once demultiplexed I didn’t have that many Gb to store on the machine and m3.xlarge had more compute units and is a little cheaper per hour. See here for the details of each.

    After (1) noticing I lost data in /mnt when I stopped and restarted (I thought /mnt was where we worked in Titus’s class in the ANGUS-recommneded m1.xlarge); and (2) reading this–> , I started thkinkg going with m3.xlarge was a bad idea because the drives are SSD and therefore only epehemerial. PLUS IT SEEMS I HAD TO SPECIFY I WANTED THEM ACCESSIBLE IN ‘ADD STORAGE’ SECTION?!?! I DO ONLY SEEM TO SEE ONE BECAUSE I SKIPPED THAT?? Given I skipped that in add storage and this Jason McCreary’s answer at, I cannot understand why I even have access to one of them. (Maybe since those two things, Amazon fixed it so at least one of them there be default. YES!! When I making new ones I noticed the instance store 0 one is listed by defult but you have to specifically add the next ones even if the price guide says you have them. You still have to actively enable any beyond the first one here.) Maybe I should try next with m1.xlarge and see if my data in /mnt survives stopping and restarting and if I can see all I was told I should have. I MADE A NEW INSTANCE. Under ‘add storage’ I added all four ‘instance storage’ 0 thru 3 I had listed as options. And then when I ran sudo fdisk -l in my intance I could see them all unlike before when I didn’t add. However, when I do df -h I still only see one of the four. It seems one always defaults to /mnt even if I don’t mount it and that is all I get unless I mount them?

    In light of this, I launched a brand new instance, with m3.xlarge, but I set the root to 30 Gb on the step # Step 4: Add Storage step. On this one I plan to install the software and the experimental data and verify it has enough space and that it keeps the data when it is stopped and restarted.

    • Choose us-east-1d for availabilty zone. (I meant to do this for the newest one but I missed it and defaulted to 1a.)
    • selected my quicklaunch-0 security group rules which has SSH, HTTP, and HTTPs included.
    • Used the workshop key I had just made.

Logging in.

Follow here if you are on a Mac or Linux local machine. If you computer is a Windows PC, see here. Note you have already been provided the key in .ppk form, and so you want to skip to the Logging into your EC2 instance with Putty section. BELOW IS MY MAC INFO.

* Protected my key on my computer from other users on this machine.

    chmod og-rwx workshop.pem

* Used `ssh` to log on, replacing the `ec2-??-???-???-?` network name part with the similar information from when you initiated your instance on the AWS console.

    ssh -i workshop.pem ubuntu@ec2-??-???-???-?
    ssh -i workshop.pem

* Now, once conncted, to log on as super user, I issued following two commands.

    sudo bash
    cd /root
    (use cd /usr/workshop when working on workshop analysis steps)

The [first command]( restarts the bash shell with you using as the super user and the second sets you in the home directory of the super user.

* To check out what we have you can type the command below to see

    df -h

About half the `/dev/xvda1` is filled with the system and installed software. We'll soon add more and our data there. The `/mnt` directory amd is essentially the scratch space for our AWS EC2 instance. It will go away if the instance is stopped so we'll stay in `/dev/xvda1` so we don't have to keep adding our data in case we need to put the instance in `stop/pause` mode.
  • Exiting

To log out, type:


or just close the terminal or Putty window. (You cannot do this step wrong because ultimately you (or me, for today) have control of the instance in Amazon Web Services console.)

Preparing the instance for use

Followed here and MAINLY here to get started by putting on a lot of the basic software and some special bioinifomatics ones.

apt-get update
apt-get -y install screen git curl gcc make g++ python-dev unzip \
        default-jre pkg-config libncurses5-dev r-base-core \
        r-cran-gplots python-matplotlib sysstat python-pip \

(Oddly, second time I did this when setting up an instance with 30 Gb storage in root, I had trouble [triggered an error about holding broken packages at one time when pasting the above command all at once. I had to do line by line of the apt-get -y install command above. Then it worked fine. I recall the ANGUS course documentation had watned about this command can be tricky to paste right. I had edited my version some myself and maybe I disrupted something about it?)

As described here the first command resynchronize the package index files from their sources. The y option on the second line, the install command, says to assume answering yes to any prompts and helps speed things up but not needing the user to do anything.

Installed more specific software. Most is easy to install so I issued

apt-get -y install samtools bedtools bwa fastx-toolkit python-mysqldb

pip install macs2

The details of building this list is found below.

Installation notes for NGS software

Many of these adapted from,, and, updating as needed for May 2015 workshop.

Looks like Titus has moved from older method of installations that involved a lot of configure and make and make install commands or make followed by copying the contents of /bin directories to /usr/local/bin(see here for example) to using a package manager on the Ubuntu systems. Since I am trying to set up machines for Apri-May 2015 now, I am going try to change things over to that. (I may leave some old notes I worked out.) See the links above for guidance along the lines the older methods.


For Ubuntu

apt-get install samtools


For Ubuntu

apt-get install bedtools


Looks like accoriding to here maybe apt-get can install it.

sudo apt-get install bwa


Other information I found, besides the Mac installtion info, is here and here and here



According to, I wanted the zipped file of FastQC to be able to run it on command line, EVEN for Mac OS. Note that the Mac OS GUI version (from ‘.dmg’ download) does load even gzipped fastq files and the report can be saved to give the same thing the command line does and so you can do it via a more tpyical installtion and run it not on the command line if you’d prefer for a Mac; I don’t know about Linux GUI options for this program for installing and running on local machines. So I downloaded it, unzipped, and now I need to give it permissions to run as exectuable form command line, following

cd ../
cd Downloads/
cd FastQC/
chmod +x fastqc

Note that the GUI version (from ‘.dmg’ download) does load even gzipped fastq files and the report can be saved to give the same thing the command line does.


FastX Toolkit

Items to note about the next steps:

  • libgtextutils NEEDS TO BE INSTALLED FIRST!! The FASTX-Toolkit relies on this and seems to look for related items during installation.
  • FastX Toolkit also needs pkg-config but it looks like that is installed already in ami-7606d01e, and so that should be all set

Note for UBUNTU system, preferable way is to let package manager handle this and so looks like I can just use apt-get. See here

sudo apt-get install fastx-toolkit

WORKED and seemed to install the dependencies at the same time automatically.

In fact, the Hannon lab site has a link to the installation instructions for Ubuntu and Debian right on the download and installation page and the first suggestion is to use APT to get the pre-requisites and then lists commands to install libgtextutils first and then FastX Toolkit.

Alterntaively for other Unix systems, someone nicely posted a link the full manual installation for CentOS here in response to someone posting about the same errors I was seeing when trying to complete installation on my Mac and this was helpful as a guide to the Mac installtion as well.

SRA Toolkit

SRA toolkit downloading

Ubuntu Linux version

Best - get up to date version

First go to ‘~’ directory in your instance. /mnt is the scratch disk space for Amazon machinesbut we are going to unpack the software in the root directory so it remains there when instance stopped. This will allow us to stop the instance to save money when not actively in use.

cd ~

Follow here

While in home directory (cd ~/), start with step #2 Download the Toolkit from the SRA website. You can get the link to use in the wget command by by using a computer that had a browser and browsing to . I saw in the list that one began with u so I clicked on that to verify it was ubuntu and copied the last part to combine with example in step 2 to replace Centos version with Ubuntu version download.

wget ""

Unzip download (step #1 under Unpack the Toolkit)

tar -xzf sratoolkit.current-ubuntu64.tar.gz

Deleted download to clean up. (Optional)

rm sratoolkit.current-ubuntu64.tar.gz

Renamed directory to make building commands easier. (Optional but subsequent commands have paths assuming you did it. Change to match your directory hierarchy.)

mv sratoolkit.2.4.5-2-ubuntu64/ sratoolkit

Ran command


Gave me usage information. Looked promising.

Tried test recommended at SRA Toolkit Installation and Configuration Guide page.

./sratoolkit/bin/fastq-dump -X 5 -Z SRR390728

They say:

the test should connect to NCBI, download a small amount of data from SRR390728 and the reference sequence needed to extract the data, and stream the first 5 spots of the file (“-X 5” option) to the screen (“-Z” option).

If successful you should see a bit of data as they describe. It will also create an ncbi directory within my directory and that had SRR390728.sra.cache under the directory ~/ncbi/public/sra.


I STRONGLY ADVISE NOT USING THIS APPROACH!!! (directions only placed here to document what was tried and in hope eventually it is this easy.) I TRIED AND FOUND THIS DOWNLOADED AN OLD VERSION (fastq-dump was version 2.1.7 and there was no prefetch in /bin) I COULDN’T SEEM TO GET TO WORK. Can use apt-get according to here and here, but here says not to do it this way as it will be old. I am going to try apt-get route and see if works for what I need. (IT INDEED DID NOT WORK FOR ME AS THE GENOMESPOT BLOG ADVISED.)

apt-get install sra-toolkit



When I search macs2 I found it at . The site being indicated to me that I should be able to use the package manager pip once installed on Ubunut to easily download and install.

pip install macs2


Acquiring from here


Unpacking and installing, following here

tar xvf CEAS-Package-1.0.2.tar.gz

rm CEAS-Package-1.0.2.tar.gz

cd CEAS-Package-1.0.2/

python install

Sanity check.


Listed usage and so it worked.

CEAS’s build_genomeBG utility needs to access external databases so I added python-mysqldb to the apt-get installation commands, similar to advised here. (Actually, when I did that command after having instance already running but having not run it before it said it was already installed. Maybe something else I had already listed was dependent on it.)


Not avialable via apt-get.

Use on webserver here. (Supposedly here is the most up-to-date version of the site. However, the Upstate network said it was unavailable or it violated policy and has been blocked when I submitted jobs there.)